The Latemar dolls
The Karerpass is located between the Rosengarten and Latemar massifs ranges – both of them massifs with impressively sculpted forms and ever-changing colours. What is nowadays a draw for nature lovers was once a source of material for stories to explain phenomena of the landscape and the sometimes dangerous life in the mountains.
Some shepherd boys and girls were one day sitting near the Karerpass when an old man came by and told them that he had lost his knife. The children assured him they had found nothing and immediately began to look for it. Meanwhile the bells rang to proclaim the evening blessing. Now the children had to round up the cattle, and the old man set off towards the Latemar massif. As the children were on their way home with the cattle, they noticed something shiny in the grass: the oldest child, twelve-year old Minega, ran to see what it was, and there between the flowers saw a beautiful knife with a golden handle. Minega ran as fast as she could after the old man and handed him the knife. He was very pleased and promised her a wish as a reward for her honesty. Minega, embarrassed, said she wanted a doll. “Fine”, said the old man, “come back tomorrow with the other children who were with you here today, and I will show you a whole set of dolls. You can choose the most beautiful for yourself. But there is no more time for that today. Go home now, because the sun is setting and it is the time when the wicked witch of the rocks comes down from the Mugoni.” The little girl, frightened, bid the old man good evening and hurried back home. Above Tamion the path led across a stream and, on the bridge, was a woman the girl had never seen before. They greeted each other and Minega told her what had happened. “Oh, you lucky child”, said the woman. “You have met the old Venetian with lots of money. He lives in the Latemar mountains and owns great treasures such as goldmines. He also has two kinds of doll: one has white, yellow and red silk clothes, the other has garments of brocade, pearl jewellery and golden crowns. If he comes tomorrow with dolls dressed in silk, do not be content, but say: ‘Dolls of stone with silken rags, stay where you are and behold the Latemar!’ Then the old miser will fetch the precious dolls with golden crowns.” Thereupon the woman disappeared into the dark forest.
The next day, Minega and the others made for the Latemar massif. When they reached the same place as the day before, they heard a strange noise from on high. As they looked up, a heavy gate opened in the skies, from which came an endless procession of dolls with white, yellow and red silk clothes. The children watched the strange spectacle in amazement. Finally Minega uttered the phrase the woman had told her, at which came a whistling and whooshing through the mountain. Then a malicious cackle echoed through the forest and the dolls turned to stone.

The water nymph of Lake Carezza
Lake Carezza is one of the most popular lakes in South Tyrol and has always delighted visitors with
King Laurin and his rose garden
In ancient times, when there were still giants and dwarves in the Alpine valleys, Laurin the dwarf k